Our vision is that residents have an opportunity to live fulfilled and engaged lives.
At Knockeen Nursing Home we are committed to providing high quality care service, safely.
We endeavour to improve the quality of life of residents and to help them live fulfilled lives.
We are determined to preserve the dignity, individuality and privacy of our residents and do this in a manner that is sensitive to their ever changing needs.
We aim to provide care that is non-discriminatory, treating people with respect, regardless of ages, sex, race or religious belief.
We acknowledge the right to worship in one’s own faith and assistance will be given to make sure this is possible. “Complaints Policy”
The Knockeen Nursing Home Complaints Policy is in the Residents Guide and is on display in the reception area of Knockeen Nursing Home.
Nursing Homes Ireland
Health Information & Quality Authority (all inspection reports available to view.)
link to “quick guide to applying for nursing home support scheme”
Age Action Ireland
Age Action is Ireland's leading advocacy organisation for older people and ageing. As well as informing and influencing policy we provide practical programmes to support older people to age in place and combat digital exclusion through our Care and Repair, Getting Started and Information Service.
Sage Advocacy is the National Advocacy Service for Older People. It also supports vulnerable adults and healthcare patients in certain situations where no other service is able to assist.
The Patient Advocacy Service is independent, free and confidential. We can support you to make a complaint about the care you have experienced in a Public Acute Hospital or Nursing Home.